Latin Name: Cucurbita pepo

Type: Open Pollinated, Heirloom, Warm Season

USDA Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Seeds per Ounce: 230

Planting Method: Direct Sow

Sunlight: Full Sun

Height: 20 Inches

Color: Green

This popular and very productive home garden and shipping squash variety matures in about 55 days. Black beauty grows on semi-upright plants. The glossy black-green fruits average 8" long x 2" in diameter and are best when harvested young. The tender flesh is firm creamy-white and has a fine flavor which makes for great eating!

This heirloom zucchini was first offered to American gardeners in the 1920s, and was quite well known by the 1930s. This variety popularized the use of zucchini because of its easy growth and excellent quality, and received the prestigious AAS Award in 1957.



Gardeners with short growing seasons may want to start their squash seeds indoors a month before the last expected frost. Since squashes do not take well to transplanting, peat pots are the best option. Plant two seeds per pot, later clipping off the weaker seedling. Harden the seedlings by exposing them to the weather for several hours at a time during the week before transplanting. About a week after the last frost or when the soil temperature reaches an average of 65 degrees F, plant the seedlings in very rich soil 8-10' apart in rows 10-12' apart. Another option is to plant the seedlings in hills of two, 8-10' apart. To direct sow, plant the seeds when the soil temperature reaches at least 70 degrees F. Plant them 1/2" deep, 3-4' apart and thin to 8-10' apart. For companion planting benefits, plant squashes along with corn but avoid planting them with potatoes.


Since squash seedlings do not tolerate frost, provide protective coverings if the temperature drops below 65 degrees F. Keep the soil moist at all times, but avoid getting the leaves wet as this can cause diseases such as rot or mildew. When the vines begin to develop, a layer of mulch will help conserve moisture and control weeds; mulch also will keep the squashes clean and protect them from too much soil contact.


Zucchini generally taste best when harvested when they reach a length of 4-5". When the plant begins to produce mature zucchini, they should be picked every day or two. Zucchini keep well in the refrigerator for about two weeks and freeze well.

Seed Saving:

By the time the squash reaches its mature size, the Black Beauty zucchini summer squash seeds are mature. Cut the squash open, remove the pulp and seeds, and rinse off the pulp. Put the mixture in a bowl of water to remove the remaining pulp; the good seeds will sink. Remove the good seeds and spread them out to dry for 2-3 weeks, stirring them at times to make sure they dry completely. Store Black Beauty zucchini summer squash seeds in a cool, dry place for up to 4 years.